Unfortunately, Tropical Storm Ketsana, too far away to do anything fun, merely made our visit incredibly wet and windy. A couple of depressions have popped up in the South China Sea, some that may come close, but I'll be far north and inland in Inner Mongolia. Instead, we took in the Cirque Du Soleil show Zaia at the Venetian Casino. What a grand place. Immense, including a venetian style canal (on the second floor) with many shops including D & G. D & G? Dolce and Gabana. , and Georgio Armani. The show was intense, felt like i was dreaming throughout. There was a fair amount of interaction with the crowd, alongside surreal images and acrobatic feats.
Another casino
Macao has two things: casinos, and watch stores. Hardly a convenience store to be found, and everywhere is greatly expensive, from what i'm used to. Although it was a nice visit, I feel the people here focus too much on tourism and status. Perhaps that is what China needs to fix now, lowering the gap between the extremely rich and the extremely poor, because there is very little in between?
Here is some funny Chingrish
Working on some waterpaints.
Tomorrow I leave for Guangzhou Train Station at 9am on a two hour bus ride. Stop for some food, see some prospective sights, and off for a 39 hour train ride north to Hohhot, Inner Mongolia.