Meet No. 78
His real name might be in Chinese under No. 78 on his nametag, but I like to thing of the guy as No. 78. Along with a few others, he monitors people coming or leaving the apartment, opens the gate for cars waiting to come in, or even opens the gate for cars leaving! He works long hours, and we often find him 'asleep at the switch'.
Today he gave me something that looked like candy, with his broken english of 'hellohowareyou'. Of course I accepted it, and it turned out to look fibrous and tasted of mint, chocolate, and meat.
Its taste lasted longer than chewing gum, and made my throat hurt, similar to when I tried chewing tobacco, which made me think perhaps it was. Kristen thinks it's meat, but despite my chewing, the stuff would not break down.
10 pts for guesses.
This is where I live, on the 24th floor. Can you see the pride flag Heather is flying out the window?
I told her to stick her head out and say hello, but something about being so high up made her stay inside.
This little guy is No. 79
Luckily we've only had a few in the apartment, and that was only recently after moving in, otherwise we've not had to deal with any cockroaches. On the street you sometimes see them scuttle by. They're often confused though with the rats that are a foot long, excluding tail. I like to think of them as giant hamsters.
Here is a good view of the island I like to jog around.
It's about 2.5 km around, and can be summited in three areas. It has majestic, sometimes steep, stairs, akin to old Chinese movies, and contained the giant spider whose picture is on this blog. It's very much a jungle inside, and fun because it reminds me of when the dinosaurs roamed the earth.
This picture also demonstrates what I think is the pollution in the ocean. Zhuhai sits beside the Pearl River outlet and therefor gets all the poop and pollution from all inland. I haven't braved the waters yet, but I'm told the islands have much better water. This area pictured is also a port (with about 1/4 the ships shown) and today was a particularily bad day for colored water.
Also pictured is a famous restaurant, the name of which I do not know. It specialises in seafood and is quite expensive, for the area, coming in at over 100 kwai per person. Roughly $17 cad.
The road you can see is called Lover's Ave., and stretches along Zhuhai's coastline. It has a beautiful ocean view filled with islands, and palm trees and century plants line the route every few feet.
Shane, I love your blog!! And Heather's pride flag brings me happiness like nothing else! Safe travels :)