This. And let me tell you, when it's your turn to squeeze out because the bus has reached your stop, it ain't pretty. Little old ladies, young grown men, they're all fair game when you elbow your way out. (They shove equally)
Was par to an event put on by TPR (my school, Total Physical Response) tonight that finally happened, and without many problems. As in any underdeveloped country that I've heard about, ie Africa, China, Brazil, there are many logistical nightmares and problems that arise simply because, well, I don't know. After waiting for half an hour for a taxi (that would take us more than half an hour away, during rush hour, AND during the only time taxi drivers switch off from their shifts, thus NOT picking up people) our boss man organized a van to take us to a port, where we could catch the ferry that would take us sightseeing to Macao. (a private van, for some indeterminate fee)
This is our bossman, and me. His name is Orpheus, or Morpheus, I'm not sure which for reasons that began before the free red wine that I had no choice to drink because the wine here sucks, tastes like vinegar, and this stuff was from Chile and tasted like sweet Canadian Merlot. But, he was really cool.
And this is our cruise.
Colby: I would definitely like to take a cruise in the future, longer than the two hours it took tonight. It's magical.
It took us from the Gongbei district of Zhuhai
to the other side of some as of now unknown river, aka Macao
I could feel it when large waves hit the boat. It was an odd feeling, but not enough for anyone to spill their wine. Three levels, the topmost of which was used for viewing the sights, which were stunning, although I could only spot one star in the sky from the haze, which was most likely Jupiter. Major casinos such as the Lisboa, Sands, and MGM Grand were visible.
Walking aboard was fairly magical. Having caught a quasi-taxi just in time, racing along (we nearly crashed and died twice), and finding ourselves boarding a large cruise ship with a party atmosphere, I had no idea what was in store.
The person taking the photo (Chinese) told us to say something sweet, and hold out our fingers in a peace sign. This group includes Joshua and Amanda, an American couple and fellow teachers, and John, my co-teacher at New Xianjo.
The food was great Western Chinese food; chicken fried rice, fruit and vegetables, noodles, and clams, among others, along with free bottles of wine. (Will I regret this tomorrow morning at six, waking up to work a full day? No.)
Here is John and .
After finishing the buffet supper, we made our way to the top deck to gaze on the horizon and converse.
Saskatchewan says that Saskatoon is the city of bridges, but so is the Macao-Zhuhai waterway. (Macao Tower on the left)
While atop the cruise I was approached by this extremely attractive individual who heads an upcoming agency company. ( I'd met him a few weeks ago at the local expat bar, Ryan's Bar, and was informed of the opportunity to be an extra in an also upcoming Chinese (major) movie nearby. F yeah.
During the night there were various singers, some good, some mostly bad, some reminiscent of Tina Turner.
This fellow played a local Chinese instrument while balancing numerous plates that spun on sticks, which seems to be tradition here. I was informed seconds before our group was to move to the front, with a beautiful singer, to dance, being from TPR. I was joined eventually by Joshua, thank god.
I did the robot. (More photos to come of that...)
If you're white in China, you get noticed. On a cruise, with other 'famous' people, ie famous Chinese people, you become alike. I felt quite famous getting numerous photos taken with these personalities, including one of whom was the second coolest baba ever. (You know who you are, number one Baba)
She reminded me of the Western Elizabeth Taylor, what with the platic surgery and all, but she kicked ass.
Later she was interviewed by a television station. She must have been famous.
Toward the end all the personalities (I got the feeling these people were famous; art types, and musicians)accumulated onto the stage and sang one final song, as the lights flickered on and the boat slowed to dock.
I was immensely pleased with tonight, especially since I was unable to venture to the mountains I wanted to see this week. Orpheus informed me that he's a hiker, and is going to take me to visit not only a tall mountain far away, but as well an island with ultra-exotic features, along with his friends.
I've become enamored with Desperate Housewives, thank you Heather and Kristen. (Try it, it's worth it) Monday I might visit Hong Kong, along with getting up early to see the low tide (.51 m, as opposed to a high of 3.2 m; should make for good photos)
Here the moon rises, nearly full, on Macao Port.
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