Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Island deux

I've been trying to get photos of all the interesting life forms here in Zhuhai. Tonight I went to the island in search of giant crabs but only found a few smaller ones, so a photo of them will come later.
To begin, there are paths all around the island to mount one of three hills, which I would approximate to be close to 100 ft tall. The white concrete stairs often lead up quite steeply and remind me of kung fu movies.
The Great Wall of China is laid out similarily to these paths, crookedly, and often juts out. The great radio tower lies in the background, which has become a marker for whenever I leave close to home.

Along the pathway directly next to the ocean you will sometimes find holes in the pavement, which fill up with water and these one inch scuttle bugs.
In Ontario we'd have something that looked like this, but smaller, and non-aquatic.

The next district over (I reside in Xian jo) is Jida. It contains many businesses and shops, whereas Xian jo has mostly apartments, and shops.
This is where the Fisher Girl is found.

I have aptly named this the Finger Slug. There are many things in the forest of the island (especially at night) that make noises, and this little guy I stumbled on by chance.

Just around the bend here is Gongbei district, and the beach I went to.

These are my favourite creatures. Often they will dart out and away so quickly, you never would have known they were there. In this case I was trying to get a photo, but it disappeared before I could. Although I could not see it, I knew it hadn't left, so I snapped a photo with the flash on and, later, discovered it. Very good at camouflage, and about two inches long.

1 comment:

  1. jesus
    i just found this!


    im going to read read read read

    miss you!
